The HPT tool is a tool that measures the pressure required to inject a set flow of water into the soil as the probe is advanced into the subsurface.
A general equipment setup is displayed below. Water from a supply tank (A) is pumped by the HPT controller (B) at a set flow rate through the trunkline (D) and into the formation after passing through the injection screen (F). Measurement of the injection pressure in the HPT system is made using a downhole pressure transducer (E). Use of a transducer in the downhole position allows measurement of the injection pressure at the HPT screen only and excludes frictional losses through the flow tube of the HPT trunkline. The downhole transducer position is also necessary for making hydrostatic pressure measurements at the probe.
The HPT is advanced is approximately 3 feet per minute.
Yes, the HPT can be used to collect a PPDT (Pore Pressure Dissipation Test) which can provide a calculated estimate of groundwater depth.